Fill A Bag Sale May 1, 2021
Sat, May 01
|Urban Exchange Project
Our $35 Bag Sale is BACK!! Pay for a bag and fill it with as much stuff from our lower level as you want! Explore our huge selection and get your spring wardrobe ready. Face masks are required, and please follow CDC guidelines for COVID-19 if you plan on attending!

Time & Location
May 01, 2021, 11:00 AM – 5:45 PM
Urban Exchange Project, 2050 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19125, USA
About the event
Our Fill A Bag Sale is BACK! Buy a bag for $35 and fill it with anything in our lower level. Come get your spring and summer wardrobe ready! For your safety, we are limiting the number of visitors through timed entry. We restock the floor all three days and between time slots with thousands of items! Tickets are available in 45 minute time slots, with 20 tickets per slot. This does NOT include items from our upstairs selection (vintage and handmade items).
By purchasing a bag and reserving your time slot you understand and agree:
-There are NO returns, exchanges or refunds.
-ONE person per bag purchased is allowed downstairs. No splitting bags between people. We require this because we have to limit the number of customers downstairs due to COVID-19 restrictions.
-You must show up to your assigned time slot, which is 45 minutes long. You will not be allowed downstairs outside of your allotted time slot.
-We will give you time reminders every 15 minutes.
-Nothing can be hanging out or overflowing from the bag, we must be able to tie the top handles
-If you show up late, you will still be asked to leave when your 45 min time slot ends, you will not be able to shop longer
-This sale does not include items from our upstairs selection (vintage and handmade items).
COVID-19 Safety Notice:
Masks that cover the nose and mouth and fit closely against the sides of the face must be worn at all times, and are required for all guests ages 3 and up. Please use provided hand sanitizer when entering the shop. Please be mindful to keep distance from other shoppers during your time slot.
Vuelve la venta de bolsas. Compre una bolsa por $35 y llénela con cualquier cosa en nuestro nivel inferior. ¡Venga a preparar su guardarropa de primavera y verano! Para su seguridad, estamos limitando el número de visitantes a través de la entrada cronometrada. ¡Reponemos el suelo los tres dÃas y entre las franjas horarias con miles de artÃculos! Las entradas están disponibles en franjas horarias de 45 minutos, con 20 entradas por franja. Esto no incluye los artÃculos de nuestra selección de arriba (artÃculos vintage y hechos a mano).
Al comprar una bolsa y reservar su franja horaria usted entiende y acepta:
-NO hay devoluciones, cambios o reembolsos.
-Una persona por bolsa. No se pueden dividir las bolsas entre las personas. Hacemos esto porque tenemos que limitar el número de personas en el interior debido a COVID-19.
-debes presentarte en tu franja horaria asignada, que es de 45 minutos
-le daremos recordatorios de tiempo cada 15 minutos
-no puede haber nada colgando o rebosando de la bolsa, hay que poder atar las asas superiores
-si se presenta tarde, se le pedirá que se vaya cuando termine su franja de 45 minutos, no podrá comprar más tiempo
-Esta venta no incluye artÃculos de nuestra selección de arriba (artÃculos vintage y hechos a mano).
COVID-19 Aviso de seguridad:
Las máscaras que cubren la nariz y la boca y se ajustan estrechamente a los lados de la cara deben ser usadas en todo momento, y se requieren para todos los huéspedes de 3 años de edad y más. Por favor, utilice el desinfectante de manos proporcionado al entrar en la tienda. Por favor, tenga en cuenta mantener la distancia con otros compradores durante su horario.
Fill A Bag Sale 11:00-11:45am
$35.00+$0.88 service feeSale endedFill A Bag Sale 12:00-12:45pm
$35.00+$0.88 service feeSale endedFill A Bag Sale 1:00pm-1:45pm
$35.00+$0.88 service feeSale endedFill A Bag Sale 2:00pm-2:45pm
$35.00+$0.88 service feeSale endedFill A Bag Sale 3:00pm-3:45pm
$35.00+$0.88 service feeSale endedFill A Bag Sale 4:00pm-4:45pm
$35.00+$0.88 service feeSale endedFill A Bag Sale 5:00pm-5:45pm
$35.00+$0.88 service feeSale ended